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Eudora 8.0.0b3 is a mail and news application based on the open source Thunderbird client from Mozilla.
Eudora, made by Qualcomm, changed dramatically from previous versions and now is moving to the open source trying to maintain maximum compatibility, for both developers and users, with Thunderbird.
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Designed as a protocol handler, this add-in gives Windows Desktop Search.
/Netscape or Eudora mailboxes
Static Eudora Backup software is a backup tool which can backup all your emails.
emails, Eudora settings...Static Eudora Backup...archive. Static Eudora Backup
This program parses and puts the emails in Eudora mbx files.
emails in Eudora mbx...them...from XYZSoftware
Search and Recover 4.7 will recover any type of deleted file from your devices.
Netscape Mail, Eudora ...Thunderbird
Copernic Summarizer can create summaries of texts.
Outlook Express, Eudora, Microsoft...Outlook Express, Eudora, Microsoft
Eudora is very nice e-mail client with various features and options.
kinds of Eudora passwords...password! Eudora Password Recovery...kinds of Eudora passwords
Delete Duplicates for Eudora enables you to delete duplicate email messages.
Web2Pop allows to get your web-based e-mail messages in your favorite e-mail client.
Outlook Express, Eudora
Transfers messages between email apps and web-based services.
or Eudora to Office...mbox files , Eudora mailbox...also rebuild Eudora, PocoMail
Instantly open and read Eudora files with attachments and other information.
Record all email sent and received: ALL POP3/SMTP, AOL, and web based email!
OutLook Express, Eudora, Netscape
QK SMTP Server is a mail server base on Simple Mail Transfer Protocol.
Outlook Express, Eudora, IncrediMail ...Outlook Express, Eudora, Foxmail, KMail