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Analyzes geospatial imagery and extracts information from the data provided. It is mostly addressed to GIS professionals, remote sensing scientists, and image analysts. It can integrate with existing workflows and it can be customized to meet any project requirements.
Simulate the surface-plant-air interactions in different urban environments by creating a project in the dedicated suite with set parameters and monitoring the development of the microclimate. It enables viewing resolutions of 0.5 to 10 meters in space and 10 seconds in time.
Analyze and process different types of images on your computer. Work with a set of features for GIS users and handle ArcGIS data and layers. Alter any of the parameters on the fly and integrate any imported information for storage, exchange, and further management of content.
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Fences and Gates, Paths, sidewalks and driveways, Railings attached to stairs.
If you can imagine a computer program, you can probably create it with Visual Basic Express" !
It is a visual IDE with In Circuit Debugging (ICD) capability.
It allows us to create attractive three dimensional image galleries.