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Search for the meaning of any English word along with its synonyms, antonyms, word class and even see the anagrams that can be made from its letters. The tool includes OCR support.
Clear design helps busy people find what they want fast.
- Words and phrases are explained clearly in simple language.
- Groups of common phrases show words that are always used together to help learners combine words correctly (to open/close/have/hold an...
ASC English to English & Urdu is a dictionary that allows you to translate English to Urdu. You write down an English word or select a word from the list and the program shows the result of the Urdu meaning, the English meaning, and the similar spell English...
EZ Dictionary English-English is an innovative application designed to retrieve word definitions within your browser. You can instantly zone in on all of the unknown or confusing terms you encounter on the Internet without taking too much time in searching for the...
Find out the meaning of words or translate entire phrases or texts into English, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, German, French, Spanish, Russian and approximately 80 other languages.
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Dictionary is a computer dictionary, which translates words and phrases.
following dictionaries: English-Bulgarian big dictionary
Translate words from English to Amharic and vice versa with this program.
English Dictionary is an electronic Amharic-English...and English-Amharic Dictionary
A comprehensive and easy-to-use Urdu-English dictionaty.
providing English & Urdu English-Urdu, Urdu-English dictionary
Shoshi English to Bangla Dictionary is a complete dictionary software with all the current words.
other dictionaries, Shoshi English to Bangla Dictionary
Advanced Dictionary is an English-Romanian and Romanian-English dictionary.
Dictionary is an English - Romanian, Romanian - English dictionary...English dictionary
It helps you translate words and phrases among English and Swahili.
English index. Swahili - English Dictionary...Swahili and English dictionaries
This extension will show the meaning of English word in Malayalam.
meaning of English
Get immediate access to detailed English word definitions.
is a comprehensive English an English dictionary
The most complete dictionary in terms of the number of entries.
Dictionaries Explorer...dictionary. English-Greek & Greek-English GOLDEN VERSION dictionary
Cleantouch Urdu-English Dictionary provides a simple language and style.
Cleantouch Urdu-English Dictionary provides a simple...It’s a unique dictionary
Collins English Dictionary is a rich source of words for everyone.
Collins English Dictionary...and dialect English. Collins English Dictionary
Learn the greek language in english, ideal for english speakers.
with the English speakers...comprehensible to English speakers
It is a Bengali to Bengali, Bengali to English, English to Bengali Dictionary.
to English, English to Bengali English-Bangla, Bangla-English dictionary
Concise Oxford Eng Dict and Thesaurus English Explanatory Dictionary program.
dictionary worldwide. The Concise Oxford English Dictionary