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Keep track of all your YGOPro/DevPro Online set updates by accessing the management suite and viewing them in a complete list, sorting by date in the Patch Library, etc. Instant access to update downloads is provided with the automated installation option present.
This excellent program lets you to play Yugioh game online (and many other tcgs as well). You search for duels by going to the official yvd irc channel (a modified irc client is also included). The program has an easy-to-use interface, but it's completely manual.
yLife is a tool that helps you work with Yu-Gi-Oh.
It has a very friendly interface and is useful for duellists/players/collectionners of Yu-Gi-Oh.
It is based on Modules : Card Explorer, Deck Builder. Features:
Card Explorer
Deck Builder (print decklist, proxy,...)
YCD Manager (manage Yugioh Card Database)
Jabber client
Duelpro is a powerful Yugioh-tcg Lifepoints calculator that provides a lot of useful functions, such as: rnrn- lifepoint-calculator, rn- phase-controller, rn- card quantity-controller,rn- a display of the game status and simulations of a dice roll and a coin flip.
With the yugiohcardmaker Toolbar you can easily access the sites forums, login and also gives you a quick access to the forum. It also includes an E-Mail Notifier, Weather Report Tool and a Radio. yugiohcardmaker official Toolbar, a must for every YCMer.
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