Users interested in Download software acid pro 4.0 generally download:
ACID Xpress offers you all the necessary tools for creating amazing music. It allows you to load various audio loops and take advantage of the integrated audio mixer in order to come up with entertaining music. The program is very easy to use and comes with an intuitive graphical user-interface.
Connects to your Midi device and does it multi-pads sampler job by creating custom beats. Several samples are preset, easy to be configured and modified, as the volume for each one can be adjusted, and other effects can be added, like chorus or delay effect, shaping them with knobs is also an option.
Compose songs using a visual interface by choosing a beat, then adding various instrument sounds, microphone recordings of your voice, effects, etc.
Samples real life instruments and creates drum patterns with realistic sound feeling. Features export to WAV or MIDI format.
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Showing results for "acid pro 4.0" as the words download, software are considered too common
ACID Pro - smart, reliable, and friendly tool that helps you easily record, mix etc.
production tool, ACID Pro software inspires...Technology design, ACID Pro
Drum Sample Sequencer, playing 44.1khz wave samples. Turn your PC into a drum kit.
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The ACID Pro Effects Rack bundle is a suite of audio effects.
The ACID Pro Effects Rack...known. The ACID Pro Effects Rack
TimeWorks Phaser 88 is a phaser plug-in with zero noise.
a second. The acidized oscilloscope...Edit Pro 1.0, Sound Forge 4.0c, ACID
Ninja Database Pro contains many time saving features.
Ninja Database Pro...Pro is a lighting fast, compact, ACID...Ninja Database Pro can
Tau Pro is more than just an acid bassline synthesiser.
Tau Pro...just an acid...textures. Tau Pro