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Insert photos, MOV, MP4 and M4V videos as well as multiple text boxes to create presentations for your congregation. Use the Scripture Reflow feature to drag-and-drop scripture verses into the presentation.
Worship LIVE! is an essential tool for worship leaders and musicians. It is also an excellent tool for church projection systems, able to quickly display songlyrics, chords, Scripture verses, announcements, and video and image files with only moments of...
Easislides is a small presentation program that helps you present and project lyrics, prayers or any other texts, including ones written by yourself. The projection can be made in...
Worship Him is presentation software designed specifically for your church worship service. Display song lyrics, announcements, Bible passages, video, and more to...
A simple presentation tool designed to show Church song lyrics line by line. However, it can be used for any other purpose that requires showing text on a line by line basis. The program creates a...