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Specify your desired servers for downloading and decoding posts from Usenet groups. Browse through large volumes of binary content. Automatically repair and combine partial data. Assign posts to different categories and even publish new messages containing requests, text or files.
NewzToolz is a comprehensive and free toolbox to help you make the most of your Usenet newsgroups. It includes tools to solve the most common problems you may find when downloading/posting files...
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Showing results for "best nzb" as the words download, program are considered too common
Super-NZB is an NZB-file downloader for Windows and Mac OS X.
Super-NZB is an your NZB files download NZB files located
NZB Completion Checker helps you avoid downloading incomplete files.
using an NZB file, just...I made the NZB Completion the NZB file
A Usenet client designed to make downloading binary files easy.
automatically open for NZB...five different NZB search engines
NewsLeecher is a binary Usenet client for Windows OS.
and export NZB files directly...can import NZB...get an NZB
Downloads binary files from Usenet servers, repairing, and deleting garbage.
throw an NZB...application, an .NZB
NiouzeFire is a download manager and self extractor.
only from NZB files (PAR2) -NZB Search
Pan is a Usenet newsreader that's good at both text and binaries.
killfiles, yEnc, NZB ...and added nzb
Reluva Usenet Client is a special tool to download binaries from the newsgroups.
to process NZB index
CouchPotato is an automatic NZB and torrent downloader.
an automatic for NZBs/torrents
yEnc/NZB newsreader with scheduler and cache. Custom settings for each newsgroup.
A yEnc/NZB compliant
Camelsystem Powerpost is based on the original code from Powerpost 2000.
and PAR2 NZB support
UltraLeecher is a full fledged binary newsreader with a whole lot of features.
compatible with NZB files