Benzing pidexx download social advice

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BENZING PideXX 2.7 Free

Enhance the set of features of products such as BENZING M1, BENZING Express G2, atis TOP, EXPRESS, etc. The extension enables multilingual management, specific tracking for race files, export to third-party systems, the creation of Excel data sheets, etc.

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— How do I move birds from one fancier to another?
To move pigeons from one fancier to another, you need to access the "Birds" section of the program, select the pigeon you wish to move, and then choose the option to "Transfer" the bird to the desired fancier. This will create two separate teams on the clock for each fancier.

BENZING ClubSystem Download is a small application that enables you to easily update the BENZING ClubSystem. The program features: easily accessible connections, support for radio clock and GPS clock, and more. The BENZING ClubSystem must be connected with your PC by a RS232 cable.

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