Users interested in Avermedia 6.0 exe generally download:
Watch TV programs, record videos and capture images using the interface of your PC. Both analog and digital TV signal types are supported via USB access. Tuning the signal is easy, MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and H.26 are supported. FullHD definition is available.
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You can stream live gameplay with AVerMedia RECentral program.
gameplay with AVerMedia RECentral program
Supports 3D function for nVidia 3D Vision, Micro-polarizer, and Red/Cyan mode.
AVerMedia M733 PCI
Allows you to capture true color video sources through S-Video(Y/C) & more.
AVerMedia EZCapture
AVerMedia DVD EZMaker Gold is your ideal solution for personal DVD making.
AVerMedia DVD EZMaker
AVerMedia C725B PCIe Capture Card is a driver for SDK Express(C725B) video card.
AVerMedia EZMaker SDK
AVerMedia H810 USB Hybrid DVB-T is a driver designed for AVerTV Pilot USB soft.
AVerMedia H810