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This program was designed to be an auto typer and auto clicker for RuneScape. It also has a calculator and update button. Open up the auto clicker from the menu. Set a speed that you want to click in seconds and milliseconds. Click start and wait about 5 seconds.
Deceives the computer into registering mouse clicks that you aren't psychically performing. Useful for in-game actions or other highly repetitive mouse-clicking requirements.
GS Auto Clicker is a useful tool to automatically click mouse instead of hand. If you click mouse frequently when you are playing game or working, this application can release your finger and save your time. You will simply need to press one specific HotKey, and GS Auto Clicker will then help you finish clicking.
Avoid manually performing various repetitive actions with the mouse controller. Generate automated sequences of various actions such as right clicks, left clicks, movements and positioning of the cursor in the required position, etc. Customize and remove actions from any sequence.
Creates scripts that generate automatic mouse clicks. Select the position of the cursor, the number of clicks or their frequency, the mouse button that you want to be pressed and have the actions performed without you even touching the mouse.
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All 14 resultsFree Mouse Auto Clicker is a software that automatically clicks for you.
Free Mouse Auto Clicker...Mouse Auto Clicker...Free Mouse Auto Clicker proves
It's a simple and small mouse autoclicker / mouse click simulator.
Cok Free Auto Clicker...Cok Free Auto Clicker...Cok Free Auto Clicker
Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker is a macro recording application.
Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker...Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker...Ghost Mouse Auto Clicker
A program that can be used to auto click mouse at defined location.
Super Mouse Auto Clicker...Super Mouse Auto Clicker is a powerful
Random Auto Clicker can automate mouse clicks at the position of mouse cursor.
Random Auto Clicker can automatically
Automate mouse-clicks at specified intervals and any location on the screen.
Advanced Mouse Auto Clicker can...Advanced Mouse Auto Clicker can
It helps whenever you have to do repetitive tasks on computer.
Auto Clicker and Auto Typer can...Built in Auto Typer can...Built in Auto Clicker can
Auto Clicker Typer will record your mouse and keyboard activity for later use.
happy innovating. Auto Clicker Typer...install it - Auto Clicker Typer
Using this software you can EARN without interacting much on the site.
Features: Auto Ad Clicker. Auto Clicker
Automate mouse clicks and movements with keyboard shortcuts.
Auto Clicker Asoftech can
PCTuneUp Free Auto Clicker has the ability to record and simulate clicks.
PCTuneUp Free Auto Clicker...With this auto clicker, you can
Simulate left & right clicks & record multiple clicks to script.
Free Auto Clicker - free mouse auto clicker...PCMate Free Auto Clicker
Automate your mouse clicks in 3 easy steps.
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Record your desired acts using different features and commands.
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