Users interested in Arc2google 10.2 generally download:
This tool, Arc2Google, combines ArcMap with Google Maps And Google Earth. When you activate the tool it open a dockable window inside ArcMap and show you the current Extent on the Map in Google Maps or Earth, it get refreshed whenever you change the view in GIS too.
Shape2Earth Globe lets you quickly and easily capture Google Earth images for your personal use. Capture images for use in popular applications like Microsoft Office and ESRI's ArcMap.
Shape2Earth Globe also saves the bounding box of the image in a kml file. This data is then used to generate a world file and projection file so that your image can be loaded into a GIS, such as ESRI's ArcMap.
The command when executed will invoke a new window containing the SceneViewer control. Layers from ArcMap are automatically added to new 3D window. Before the layers are added a spatial filter is applied so that only feature within the current extent are drawn.