3d hearts deluxe by freeverse social advice

Users interested in 3d hearts deluxe by freeverse generally download:

Play Hearts Deluxe against dozens of colorful computer opponents or online against real people from around the globe. Hearts Deluxe makes it as simple as a few clicks of the mouse!
With both novice and advanced skill settings, support for the most popular rule variations, and a built-in tutorial to help you learn (or re-learn) the game, you’ll be cleaning up in no time.

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— On my late ten year old Mac, I had Hearts Deluxe from Freeverse Software. Is this Hearts Deluxe an updated version of the Hearts Deluxe I downloaded June 25, 1998? I enjoyed countless hours playing...
Yes. This game is the 3D version of the Hearts Deluxe game. However, this version of the game is available only for Windows OS and, unfortunately, the official website of the developer is down. Due to this, there is no way to download the game anymore.