Samsung allshare 64 bit social advice

Users interested in Samsung allshare 64 bit generally download:

AllShare is Samsung’s content sharing service that allows you to search for and play video, photo, and music files
freely across many devices that support AllShare services, such as PC, TV, mobile phone, and digital camera. You
can do this either wirelessly or with a...

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— all share directories is no longer visible from my win 10 to my samsung tv?
Based on the provided information, it seems that the issue is related to the visibility of directories on a Samsung TV from a Windows 10 device using the Samsung AllShare software... Read more
AllShare Control 1.5 Free

Control multiple AllShare devices and turn a personal computer into a hub for exchanging data between phones, tablets and all machines connected to the local network. Videos, photos, audio files, etc. are transferred via the suite for instant access to the destination device.

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