Hauppauge wintv hvr 1100 social advice

Users interested in Hauppauge wintv hvr 1100 generally download:

Send home TV streams over local Wi-Fi connections, access the Internet, etc. Work with mobile devices receiving the signal and play television programming on iPhone, iPad, Android 2.2 or later phones or tablets. Establish secure connections between PC and other platforms.

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— Hi. I have got WinTV USB software version 3.6E1. I think it is a little outdated. I have Window 10 on my laptop. Can anybody please tell me what I need to update or how I can fix my problem? Thank...
I've checked the official website from Hauppauge and and the driver reached version 2.64 while the TV application called WinTV2000 is at version 4.12.Therefore... Read more

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Wing is the new mobile video recorder application from Hauppauge.

Hauppauge. Wing...with the WinTV-HVR's. Includes...updated WinTV Scheduler 

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